Heart of the Sun Offerings …

Jessie's Cosmic Garden: 'Top Picks' CSA

Member Subscription Sign-Up

This is the page where you sign-up and pay for the Market Box(es) you picked out on our Options page and your Personal Member Account (PMA). After you iniate membership, you can top up your account as needed with what works for you.

Note: Because individual needs vary, we are fine for you to maintain a balance in your account that reflects your spending and spend at least $35/order. There is no requirement to order every time we go to market and no upper limit on your orders.

You have the option of mailing a check or money order, paying the season with cash or check at your first delivery or using your debit/credit card or your paypal account with the paypal buttons and, if you qualify, interest fee payments. There are a couple other bookkeeping details to add-on as well. Contact us if you would like to join.

1. If you are subscribing for the first time, be sure to add your wooden box costs to your order total. We are hand-making the boxes to last. They are yours to mind. You will need two as we rotate them week to week. We take the boxes back if you leave the CSA and refund all or part of your box payment based on their condition.

2. All members, no matter how they will pay, need to fill out the member application ahead of their subscription choices and then check all the boxes to cover their membership and send that form to us. Then you can go on to deal with payment methods. If our subscriptions are full we will place a notification on this page. You can fill out the membership form to be added to the wait list for the next season or arrange to come in during the season.

3. In the comment box state your payment method if it is not paypal. Then give us some delivery instructions, like "on the back porch", "in the garage" or "ring the bell" and that would include complex ways to reach your place and whether or not you will be there. Loose, unfriendly dogs will not do.

If you prefer, we can deliver to your workplace and will recommend pickups if you haven't a safe place for the box or if you are ordering frozen food and won't be there to receive it. Feel free to contact us with special arrangements. We deliver Tuesdays mid to late afternoon.

Membership Subscription

First Name

Last Name

Delivery Address




Referred By?


Check All Subscription Choices That Apply To You

Check Your Market Box Subscription (a good way to get the ball rolling)

Economy Box $240

Basic Market Box $360

Family Market Box $520

Check Your Personal Member Account Choice

Personal Member Account initiation at registration

Personal Member Account initiation post-registration

Check if you are a New Member to reserve your boxes

2 New Member Wooden Market Boxes ($20, Family $30)

If our Season is fully subscribed, you have the following options. Please choose all that appeal to you.

Please add my application to a time-sensitive waiting list for an opening this subscription period or the next.

Press the register button when your member application is complete. We can always change it in the future.

You will receive a generic recapitulation of your submission. Click your back arrow to return to this Membership page if using paypal.

Payment Options

Paypal Box Options include a service charge to cover their fee. We can arrange fee-less payment if you have a personal, not a business account with paypal.

Market Box Subscription using Paypal

Market Box Subscription Choices

New Member Fee for 2 Wooden Boxes

New Member Wooden Box Fee

Personal Member Account Initial Deposit and Account Activation

You can come back here at any time to needed deposits to your PMA to cover an order before you can re-subscribe.

Once activated, accounts can be topped up on the Online Market Page, so you are done with this page until signing up for the next season.

Note: PMA deposits by paypal are surcharged to take care of administrative costs, some delivery costs, and paypal charges.

Personal Member Account Activation

Paying with cash, check, EFT or money order? You will need to arrange this with us. Even if you have requested this in the comment box of the member application, please send an email to make arrangements. Checks should be made out to Jessie's Cosmic Garden.

Thank you for supporting local food and our efforts to make more of the very best of it available to you.

Jessie's Cosmic Garden


Stumped? Email: TopPicksCSA@heartofthesun.com

Follow us on facebook: Jessie's Cosmic Garden